It’s vital to keep a close eye on your personal tax affairs, particularly when fixed penalties and interest charges are possible if you get things wrong.

With Seymour Taylor’s expert tax return help and guidance, you can be sure that you’ll never pay more than you need to. If you require help with a tax return in High Wycombe or anywhere else please get in contact.

Tax returns
  • You are legally obliged to complete and file a return if you fall within the following categories:
  • Self Employed
  • Higher Earner
  • Have untaxed income
  • HMRC issue a Tax Return to you

Return notices are generally issued by HMRC around 6 April each year and need to be filed by 31 October in paper form, or by 31 January if submitted electronically.

National Insurance Contributions

National Insurance rules can be just as complicated as those surrounding taxation, and mistakes can lead to substantial liabilities.

We can help with:

  • Self Employed (Sole Traders or Partnerships)
  • Voluntary Contributions
  • Exceptions
  • Exemptions

Let Seymour Taylor remove the burden from your shoulders. Book an introductory meeting now to find out how we can help.