With everything that is going on in the world, not least the ongoing changes to taxation and accounting rules as well as inflation, it is easy to feel a little overwhelmed.

A recent survey of 1,000 workers found that 77 per cent say they have experienced burnout at their current job.

Meanwhile, a further 91 per cent of workers say that they have experienced unmanageable stress or frustration that impacts the quality of their work.

These high levels of stress are likely to be reflected in many in-house finance teams and among financial directors, as well as the owners of businesses, who often have to give up essential time to assist with the accounts and payroll.

While the easy solution would be to create a larger finance team, the budget and resources to achieve this aren’t always available and it can be a big commitment for some companies.

So, what’s the alternative then?

Rather than worry about opportunities being missed or errors being made, it may make sense to outsource some financial functions to an accountant.

Using an outsourced financial accountancy service allows you to scale up or down the support you require to meet your needs – making it far more cost-effective and flexible than recruiting a bigger, permanent finance team.

You can alleviate the stress on your existing finance team and yourself by simply bringing in the expertise and gaining immediate access to effective systems without the expense.

Whether you need someone to be embedded closely within your business, or just need an extra pair of hands working remotely, we can offer an outsourced accounting solution to meet your requirements.

If you would like an initial free consultation to find out how our Outsourced Accounting Services team can help your business, please get in touch by emailing enquiries@stca.co.uk or calling 01494 552100. 

This blog is for guidance only, professional advice should be obtained before acting on any information contained herein. The information was correct at the time of publishing 20 April 2022.

Posted in Blog news.